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11 November 2011

Cool HTML 5 select with jquery and css styles (rounded corners and gradient)


Click image to view Live Demo


  1. How to use
  2. Settings description
  3. Download

How to use

  1. Add reference to jQuery library to your page (I'm using this one).

  2. Add reference to wwselect.css to <head> section (<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="wwselect.css" />).
    Note that css requires 2 images for arrows that can be found in archive. Don't forget to update urls in css if you move them to another directory.

  3. Add reference to wwselect.min.js (<script type="text/javascript" src="wwselect.min.js"></script>).

  4. Init plugin code.
    $(window).load(function(){ {$("select").wwselect(); }); - to update all selects on the page
    $(window).load(function(){ {$("#example2").wwselect(options); }); - to update all single select with some options
    Take a look at demo page source for more details.

Settings description

Setting name Description Example
width Indicates maximum width of generated select. When this value is exceeded option text will be minified. Any number greater then 0.
$(<selector>).wwselect({ width: 100 });
height Indicates maximum height of generated list of options. When this value is exceeded vertical scroll will appear. Any number greater then 0.
$(<selector>).wwselect({ height: 100 });


Download page

See demo.html for more details.

!!! Note: Some browsers may have invalid gradient and rounded corners handling!!!

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